Corrosion Protection and Control
Strengthen Your First Line of Defence
Unprotected pipelines corrode, whether buried, aboveground or subsea. Weakened pipes due to corrosion result in economic and environmental losses. Without the right corrosion management programs from the onset to mitigate the effects of corrosion, pipelines will reach the limit of their service usability sooner than expected.
From the sacrificial or a direct electrical pipeline coating is the 1st - line of defence against corrosion.

Cathodic protection (CP) controls corrosion by using a direct electrical current which medicate external corrosion. Coatings and linings applied to pipelines, above or below ground are often used with CP. Corrosion inhibitors are compounds inhibiting corrosion of carbon and low-alloy steel pipe.
With precisely engineered products from Deepwater, UCC and Shaic we offer you the 1st line of defence from corrosion threat.
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